Hallucienate's The Sisters Of Mercy website


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Info about the gigs I have, probably of interest only to me. Created beacause I can.

I have the following gigs recorded this week in The Sisters history
2001-02-18 Rock City Nottingham England 2CDR
2001-02-20 Academy Birmingham England 2CDR
2001-02-22 Astoria London England 2CDR
2001-02-23 Astoria London England 2CDR
2001-02-22 Astoria London England DVDR
2001-02-23 Astoria London England DVDR
1983-02-19 Brixton Ace London England CDR
1991-02-17 Polytechnic Leeds England 2CDR

Live CDRs: 163
Live Double CDRs: 92
Live Videos: 10
Total Live Gigs: 396
Interviews: 8
Demos and Mixed CDRs: 16
Misc Videos: 9
Live Tracks: 6043
Other Tracks: 236

This site was last updated on 2006-05-22